Getting started


Psyllid is a data acquisition package developed by the Project 8 collaboration and it’s purpose is to receive UDP packets via a port, unpack and analyze them in real-time and write data to egg-files using Monarch.

Currently, the Project 8 experiment uses a ROACH2 board to continuously digitize and packetize a mixed down RF-signal (for more details on the packet structure and content see RoachPackets). The ROACH2 streams UDP packets at a rate of 24kHz via three 10GbE connections to a server. In order to keep up with such a high rate of incoming packets, Psyllid is written multi-threaded and the packet processing and data analysis is done in parallel by various nodes. By running psyllid with different node configurations, psyllid can be used to serve different purposes. It can for example continuously write the entire incoming data to files or examine the packet content and decide based on some pre-defined criteria whether or not to write out the content.

Psyllid’s internal structure basically consists of 2 layers: the control layer and the daq layer. The classes in the control layer control the daq layer and allow a user to interact with psyllid. Dripline commands are received by the run-server and are forwarded to their destination node-binding. Upon request, an instance of the daq-control class tells Midge to deactivate or activate the daq-nodes and to start or stop a run. Psyllid knows different states: deactivated, activating, activated, running, canceled, do_restart, done and error. Data is only being taken in running state.

For more information read the sections How psyllid works and DAQ Status.

A note on data rates and starting runs

Psyllid will only go to running state if told by the user via a on-startup command or by sending the start-run dripline request. When a writer node is configured psyllid will write data to files in this state. In streaming-mode the data rate is about 200MB/s. So be careful with run durations. The default run-duration is 1s. If you start a run without specifying a run duration or a filepath it will result in a 200MB file being written to the directory in which you ran the psyllid executable. In all other states no data is being taken/written. So as long as you don’t tell psyllid to start-running you don’t need to worry about accidentally taking data without noticing. And in case of emergency: Control-C

Running psyllid

For installation instructions go here

Running psyllid does not mean start a psyllid run. Psyllid starts in deactivated or activated status.

Running requirements

  • rabbit broker
  • broker authentication file

If you don’t have a rabbitmq-broker available you can go to broker-in-docker and run docker-compose up. A broker will be started inside a docker container and the host ports are forwarded to this container. Copy the project8_authentications.json file to /your-home/.project8_authentications.json. This way psyllid can connect to it and set up a queue from anywhere on the host machine.

For adding a dripline or dragonfly container, look for examples on how to do that in insectarium.

Start psyllid

The psyllid executable can be found in /path_to_build/bin/. Running the executable /path_to_build/bin/psyllid will result in a psyllid instance being created. Once started, psyllid will initialize its control classes, connect to the broker and start the pre-configured daq nodes. If psyllid cannot connect to a broker, it will exit.


Generally, psyllid can be run without sudo permissions. However, they are required for using the packet-receiver-fpa. This node can shortcut the port and is therefore faster at reading the incoming packets. If you don’t have sudo permissions you can only use the presets using the packet-receiver-socket node instead which cannot keep up with the ROACH2 packet rate.

Configuration files

By using the command line option -c and specifying the path to a configuration file in YAML-format

bin/psyllid config=/path-to-config/config.yaml

psyllid will be set up according to whatever is specified in the file and overwrite its default settings. Here is how a configuration file for running psyllid in streaming mode could look like:

    broker: localhost
    queue: psyllid

post-to-slack: false

    activate-at-startup: true
    n-files: 1
    max-file-size-mb: 500

        preset: str-1ch-fpa

            n-channels: 1
            bit-depth: 8
            data-type-size: 1
            sample-size: 2
            record-size: 4096
            acq-rate: 100 # MHz
            v-offset: 0.0
            v-range: 0.5

            length: 10
            port: 23530
            interface: eth1
            n-blocks: 64
            block-size: 4194304
            frame-size: 2048

file-num: 0

In this example the broker is running on localhost and a queue will be set up with the name psyllid. If no path to the broker-authentication file is provided, psyllid will look for ~/.project8_authentications.json. The post-to-slack option, allows psyllid to post some messages (like “psyllid is starting up” or “Run is commencing”) to a slack channel. Under daq, some general settings are configured. For example the maximum file size is set to 500 MB which means that psyllid will continue to write to a new egg file once the size of the last egg file has reached this size. In the streams section one stream with the name ch0 is configured. In this stream the nodes are connected according to the preset str-1ch-fpa. The configurations of the individual nodes from this stream must be specified within the stream block. Here the prf (packet-receiver-fpa) is the node that receives and distributes the incoming packets. It is configured with the interface name and the port to which the ROACH2 is streaming the packets to. The length in node configurations always refers to a buffer size. Generally, the buffers of nodes should be larger than the buffer sizes downstream, to prevent that the data processing gets blocked if one of the nodes is falling behind.

In theory, psyllid can be run with multiple streams, each of which could be set up with a different node configuration. In practice though, psyllid is mostly used with only one stream set up and in case data should be read from multiple ports, multiple instances of psyllid are run in parallel.

Node connections and presets

Which nodes will be set up and how they will be connected can be specified either by using a preset as in the example above or manually in the configuration file. This is how the same node configuration as above could be achieved manually:

    type: reader-stream
      - type: packet-receiver-fpa
        name: prf
      - type: tf-roach-receiver
        name: tfrr
      - type: streaming-writer
        name: strw
      - type: term-freq-data
        name: term
      - "prf.out_0:tfrr.in_0"
      - "tfrr.out_0:strw.in_0"
      - "tfrr.out_1:term.in_0"

The available presets can be found in node configurations.

If you want to use psyllid to process ROACH2 packets and write all the content to files use the str-1ch-fpa preset. If you want to take triggered data use events-1ch-fpa.


A on-startup block can be added to the configuration file with a list of requests that psyllid will process and act upon right after starting-up. This is especially convenient when using psyllid to read data from a file instead of from a port (see egg-reader for more on this). In this case psyllid will only start the the run-server for receiving commands from a user after executing all the on-startup commands. Here is an example for a on-startup command block:

    broker: rabbit_broker
    queue: psyllid
    make-connection: false

  - type: get
    rks: daq-status
    payload: {}
    sleep-for: 0
  - type: wait-for
    rks: daq-status
    payload: {}
    sleep-for: 1000
  - type: wait-for
    rks: daq-status
    payload: {}
    sleep-for: 100

In this example, the psyllid instance will not try to connect to the broker and as a result it will exit after processing the on-startup requests.

Interacting with psyllid

As mentioned a few times above, it is possible to send dripline requests via a rabbitmq broker to a running psyllid instance. There is a detailed list of which requests can be received and processed in Psyllid API.

Assuming you have dragonfly installed, here are some examples for how to interact with psyllid from the command line:

  • If you have a psyllid instance running (and it was configured to have “psyllid” as queue name), you can for example send a request to ask what state psyllid is in by running:

    dragonfly get psyllid.daq-status -b rabbit_broker
  • Deactivate and activate psyllid:

    dragonfly cmd psyllid.activate-daq -b rabbit_broker
    dragonfly cmd psyllid.deactivate-daq -b rabbit_broker
  • Make psyllid exit:

    dragonfly cmd psyllid.quit-psyllid -b rabbit_broker
  • To start a 500ms run:

    dragonfly cmd psyllid.start-run duration=500 filename=a_test.egg -b rabbit_broker
  • Node configurations can also be changed by sending the relevant request. If you are running psyllid using the event_builder_1ch_fpa preset you can set the snr trigger level of the frequency mask trigger node to 20 with:

    dragonfly set 20 -b rabbit_broker

    Check the threshold setting with:

    dragonfly get -b rabbit_broker
  • Changing the buffer size of a node at run time, will only re applied after psyllid reactivates (because buffers are initialized when nodes are activated).

    dragonfly cmd psyllid.reactivate-daq -b rabbit_broker

Egg reader

Instead of reading data packets that were received via a port, psyllid has the option to read the content from an egg file. By using the egg-reader node and configuring this node with the path to the file that it should read from, psyllid will perfrom the exact same operations as it would in normal operation on the content of a file. By defining a list of start-up commands in the configuration file, psyllid will perform all of them and then exit once the processing of the file content was completed.

Here is an example for an egg-reader configuration:

    length: 1000
    egg-path: /a_test_file.egg
    read-n-records: 0